House Resolution 4902: "Establishment Of The State Of The Union Address"
On December 21, 2018, The House Of The People, voted to establish a State Of The Union Address, which was set to be hosted by the President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, and was to be held on March 15, every year. During the initial debate, the House requested that the day the State Of The Union be changed to the 1st Of January, every year. During the debate, members agreed to the change of date and the SOTU, would indeed be hosted by the President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, on January 1st, every year, and would be given during a joint session of Congress, which would be the opening of a new Session of Congress.
DECEMBER 21, 2018 - ON THIS 21st Day Of December in the year 2018, It is hereby determined, by House Resolution 4902, entitled "Establishment Of The State Of The Union Address", and means of vote of both Houses Of Congress, Such Resolution has been duly written for the sole purpose of ensuring that this Document, is reflected as a legal and righteous act of Legislation, and that H.R. 4902 will hereon be known as the State Of The Union Address Clause Of Article 2, Title 3, Subsection 1 of the newest version of the Constitution Of The United States Of Jesstopia. It will also be a responsibility of the Office Of PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF JESSTOPIA, from this day on.